Living conditions of the Roma: Substandard housing and health

Autor: Molinuevo, Daniel; Koomen, Maarten; Fóti, Klára
Editorial: Eurofound
Fecha: 29/04/2012

Molinuevo, Daniel, Koomen, Maarten; Fóti, Klára, Living conditions of the Roma: Substandard housing and health.

Cover image of Living conditions of the Roma: Substandard housing and health

  • An executive summary: Housing-related problems faced by the Roma include high overcrowding rates, lack of access to improved forms of sanitation and high levels of urban segregation thus limiting access to healthcare services. These issues reinforce existing health inequalities among the Roma – increased risk of disability, chronic illness, being overweight.
  • Informe completo sobre las condiciones de gitanos en UE: prevalece vivienda precaria y hacinamiento

Nuestro agradecimiento a la Càtedra Immigració,  en especial a su Director, Ferrán Camas Roda,  por compartir los datos sobre este informe.

Otros informes publicados por Eurofound:


Financiado por: Ministerio de Trabajo e Inmigración
Coordinado por: Universidad de León