STEDH de 24 de julio de 2014. Vulneración del art. 8 CEDH.

Tipo: Sentencia
Localización: Tribunal Europeo de derechos humanos
Materia: Expedientes sancionadores (retorno, devolución, multa o expulsión)
Fecha: 24/07/2014
Número de recurso: 32504/11

STEDH (First Section) de 24 de julio de 2014. Kaplan and Others v. Norway (núm. 32504/11). Vulneración del derecho al respeto a la vida privada y familiar (art. 8 del CEDH). 

  • The case concerned the expulsion of a father to Turkey. The applicants, Kamran, Naime, Azat, Cemsit, and Rojin Kaplan, were born in 1966, 1976, 1993, 1995 and 2005 respectively. Kamran and Naime Kaplan are husband and wife and Azat, Cemsit and Rojin Kaplan are their three children. Kamran Kaplan is a Turkish national; his wife and children, who were also Turkish nationals, acquired Norwegian citizenship in 2012. Kamran Kaplan currently lives in Turkey and Naime, Azat, Cemsit and Rojin Kaplan live in Stavanger (Norway). Kamran Kaplan is of Kurdish ethnic origin and comes from south-east Turkey. Because he sympathised with and assisted the PKK (Kurdistan Workers Party), he says he often felt persecuted by the Turkish authorities and, fearing for his life, he fled from Sirnak (Turkey) in March 1993. He then stayed in several locations in Turkey and countries in Europe before applying for asylum in Norway. In October 1998, his application for asylum in Norway was however rejected. After a conviction for aggravated assault in Norway in December 1999, the Ministry of Justice requested the Directorate of Immigration to assess whether there was a basis for expulsion. The authorities took no specific measures to deport him until he received a warning to this effect issued on 31 October 2006. On 2 November 2006, his expulsion was ordered and his re-entry in Norway prohibited for an indefinite duration.
  • Having spent a period in Iraq as refugees, Mr Kaplan’s wife arrived in Norway in May 2003 with their sons Azat and Cemsit and applied for asylum. On 4 August 2005 Rojun, the third child of the couple,was born. In February 2008, the Immigration Appeals Board (“the Board”) granted Naime Kaplan and the children a residence and work permit, attaching decisive weight to Rojun’s chronic and serious degree of autism together with the fact that Azat and Cemsit had already been residing in Norway for four years and nine months. The Board consequently limited the duration of the re-entry ban imposed on Kamran Kaplan to five years. His appeals against this decision were dismissed and the Supreme Court found in a judgment of 26 November 2010 that his expulsion would not constitute a disproportionate measure vis-à-vis the other family members. He was expelled to Turkey on 16 July 2011. The other family members were granted Norwegian citizenship in January 2012.
  • Relying on Article 8 (right to respect for private and family life), the applicants complained that Kamran Kaplan’s expulsion to Turkey had split up their family, alleging in particular that the judgment of November 2010 had not paid enough attention to the best interests of the youngest
    child’s special care needs.
  • Violation of Article 8 – on account of Kamran Kaplan’s expulsion from Norway with a five-year re-entry ban Just satisfaction: EUR 12,000 (non-pecuniary damage) and EUR 8,000 (costs and expenses) to the applicants jointly (Texto completo).
Financiado por: Ministerio de Trabajo e Inmigración
Coordinado por: Universidad de León